How to Post an Audio File to Blog

Beispielpost für ein lautes Lesen: Laut Lesen 1 Hier lese ich laut eine Passage aus dem Text Mutterzunge, Seite 9:

How to do this:
There are multiple ways of embedding sound audio into the blog. One of the simplest ways is to:

1) sign up for an account at (this can be hooked up to your Google Account). once registered,
2) click "upload" at the top of the screen
3) click "start new recording" in the middle of the screen at right
4) click the orange circle "Rec". (If you need to, click "allow" for Flash Payer to access your microphone)
5) talk into your microphone to record your reading of the text.
6) press the orange square to stop the recording
7) click "upload the recording"
8) give a title to the recording, maybe assignment #, title of text, and your name--e.g., "LautLesen1 - Mutterzunge, S. 9 - Block"
9) click save
10) find and click the "share" icon underneath the recording soundwave lines
11) copy the code given under "Widget Code"
12) Go to the class blog site and click "New Post" at the top of the screen
13) At top, type in the same title you gave the audio recording in step 8
14) In the space provided to compose the new post, click "HTML" at the top left
15) paste the "Widget Code" that you copied in step 11
16) at the right, click Labels
17) type in the assignment name, e.g., "LautLesen1"
18) click the orange "publish" button at top

This process will become easier as you do these assignments throughout the semester.

There are alternatives to this method, which all essentially require you to save an audio file that you made to a server and then provide the link in the blog. I like this option because it's visually appealing and it is fewer steps (believe it or not). To see other ideas, search "embedding audio file in blogger".

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